i'm the architect for this project, and i have with me here kristoff -- next slide. i have here kristoff, one of the owners of the property, with his wife, irina, who is expecting their first child in six weeks, and they would like to have this taken care of by then. the house was only 1200 square feet. that's not including an illegal added space. next slide, please. part of our challenge in getting them the square footage that they needed for their growing family was that the existing structure was pretty small and is on a small site and set back much more than is required on all four sides, so we decided to get them a liveable house and decided to expand to the north and south and also to the west, and that made our demolition calculations a little bit tight from the start. next slide, please. but we went through a pretty lengthy design process. we met with neighbors and sought out their input. we got some key input, as well, from planning staff, including linda and david winslow, on the left is the facade as we originally proposed it. on the right is what we ended