the museum has several exhibits showcasing the simpson flight models look and kroft alice and you mechanics you can see how the aviation industry developed in the largest country in the world. the strain of civil airline is in the soviet union can be traced all the way back to the russian revolution in one nine hundred seventy in when the new bullshit government so as one of the main ways to modernize the country. the new communist leaders believed and travel would be the most efficient way to transport both people and supplies across the vast country in one thousand nine hundred eighty three the first soviet ally talking a lot was created several other smaller companies were formed and nine years later the name and a float was officially adopted for the entire service civil athlete airflows went on to become the largest airline in the world with to pull off and illusion and craft making up the majority of its massive fleet as the aviation industry flourished around the world the u.s.s.r. was no exception. back to the museum and along with the space race and technology as a whole day you ca