is also hygienecy need the same gas as in the gas chamber once our out never go inside leave the kroouko us we have alters self-apparatus with the air bottles and protection that you seen the coat and the helmet that protects us we go down with the hospital the hospital is our real protection without the hose in a place that is rolling we'll not last long because of heat the hose is our protection the waters comes out and cools the fire you don't have my of that stuff if you go back inside you might as well be on mars never go back in the for people pets or things okay. if you can't get out and trapped by the fire the door was hot and the hallway was filled with heat and had to slam the door shut try to make your way to a room that faces the street with an outside window stuff towels and create as many barriers between yourselves and the fires stuff a towel underneath the door and if there's a phone call 9-1-1 right aways you get our cell phone tells you what floor and room number what the street your window faces even if i see us outside of building still call us stay near the window h