. >> krooystal, what do you got? >> i have another show i need james help explaining to me.t everybody loves so much about "breaking bad qu "breaking bad." to me the characters are unlikely and it gave me nightmares, i watched it more than two seasons because everybody kept talking how good it is and i just don't get it. james, i know you're a fan. help me understand. >> i think likeable -- the likeable they are not but i do think they are very sympathetic. i mean, i think walton is sympathetic and at a certain point it takes on its own momentum and is about problem solving. >> sure. >> each week it's like, here's the box walt is in, how is he going to get out of it? each person he works with is worse than the person he worked with before. so i mean, i love the way it starts small scale and then by the time you get to season five, it's a multinational thing where they are exporting meth into eastern europe and getting all these -- the episode when they are -- the german company, that was brilliant. but i understand -- look, i cannot get into "the walking dead" if you say tha