in kruger national park, theree are e few specimenens left.imon: we have to protect ee pepppper-bark treeees from illl harvesting. people sneak i into thparkrk a ststeal the barkrk, branches,d roots. they make a a lot of moneye, bebecause outsidide the park e pepper-bark trees have alrea sappppeare reporter: the skuza indigenous plt t nurserin t the pk breeeeds pepper-bark trees. ururel baloyi anand kan hannnng have been involved witththe prproject for seseveral years. it's no longer possible to fin seedngs s growg out t inature. karin: pepper-bark trees don't produce fruit or seed in the wild. but we managed to source some seed from an arerea over 7 lomemetersway frfromkukuza. the skukuza nursery growows te plan on n and ey getet distributed to the communititi. rereporter: no o one knows whyy don't produce seeds any rere. onone thry is s th it has s do with thehe climate getetting hr and d dryer. the nursery has already bred a striribute13,00000 yng treeses in t the area aroundnd the pa. when l louise swemmemer and re makhubela deliver a new