the tisin krupp corporation is closing one plant after another and is trying to find a new owner to saveousand jobs, but everything is fair. volkswagen recently announced that it refuses from the embargo on the destruction of enterprises , the dismissal of employees. this is happening all over the country. industrial germany is turning into a germany of the fleeing business of the skilled. in general, when a person or a country decides to die, it is impossible to stop them, even if the decision was made not by them, but for them, who became the syagun, who sentenced germany to death, the states, a falsely understood geopolitics and international financial capital, which demoted the germans from exploiters to exploited. in general, there are many suzirens, all of them demand from the germans alone, to follow the path of death, from which there is no turning or leaving. are we gloating over what is happening today in germany and in the whole of the united europe , taking into account their attack on us? no, for us, the degradation of the european elites is the same tragedy as for the germa