>> absolutely, sir krusbe would be in the purview of a national security agency to try to prevent thosectivities especially through the european union and they be targeted at one of our allies? >> it is chairman and it's something we share with our allies. >> you would collect information in those cases and share it with our allies in a way that was appropriate? >> that is correct and it may not be actually collected in europe because it's a global network. >> but it could be in europe or it could be someone else. it could be in the middle east or could be in asia or in the united states by a fisa warrant collected by the f. ei. >> that is correct. >> so you share information with their european the allies and they share informatiinformati on that they have with us. the certain accusation that the national security agency was collecting information on the citizens of their respective nationstates i just want to get on the record again is false. that did not happen. is that correct? >> that is correct. those shots they showed lead people to believe that we nsa or the united states collec