your morvatians, krymav.v! what, you've been messing around with it, or what? yes, yes, comrade general, that is, no, sorry, guilty. pasha, because of my note, nikita, everything you put up, therefore, what’s his name, bespalovo, bespalovu. vanya, go to this widow, he’s been killed, you can take ritka with you. live, are you head in the clouds? you know that this matter is under control at the very top, this is not for you some huckster for 20 rubles. the deputy was killed. krymov, yeah. rita, here are the contact details of the deceased’s widow. so. i even dug up a photo somewhere, well , yes, social networks help a lot of people, why, baby, out of boredom, you can arrange a personal life, otherwise i look like i’m bored, but so what? now i’ll get you settled, i got it, are you here? so, wait, i have a certificate for bespalov, a job, a car, in general, everything is there, yeah, yeah, i have a minute, no, i’m going to the authorities now, let’s do it later, okay, come on, igoryuk, why, there you go wife cal