vasya, hello, what are you doing, come to my place, let’s have a drink, krynkin aleksandrov sergeevichwhat do you think, your mother-in-law pushkin, alexander sergeevich, was in exile, no, no, i don’t remember, that is, i don’t know , i’ll tell you, he was in the city of odessa, you face at least 10 years for your crime candy i beg you, i’m like 10 years old, i’m not going to endure 10 years in prison, this is for financial crimes, unlike literary crimes, i’m sending a link not to odessa, to siberia, so 10 years in siberia, this minimum, i ask you, don’t need everything in siberia, but i will return everything to the state, why? and you, realizing your guilt and repentant , will behave correctly and well, you understand me, correctly and well, no one will know, thank you very much, thank you, you are a benefactor, i am your debtor, what do you say, then i have big problems. yes, bastard, what else do you want from me , but no, don’t worry, no, no, but wake up, wake up, wake up, my little one, wake up, wake up, wake up, my dear, wake up, it’s a dream, it’s just my golden dream, just a d