another two or three days and they will fix the gas supply, and so on all the territories of the kryvorizht, water, gas, hospitals are working, they provide assistance to both the residents of kryvorizh and the internally displaced people do not have enough power, they are provided with everything they need, both medicines and new and modern equipment , fuel has already appeared at gas stations for everyone without queues , please in real access any amount fuel can be purchased at any gas station in stores, all products are available in a full range of products, there is no shortage of any product in pharmacies, everyone works in the pharmacy as usual and is provided with everything necessary, there is also no shortage of medicines, so the situation in our country is completely under control in this regard agricultural producers have completed the harvest of the 22nd year and are already preparing the soil for sowing a new crop of winter wheat and winter barley, and they have already begun to sow winter rape, that is, agricultural producers believe in the armed forces of ukraine, they beli