how did she get away with kryzhakov? they are starting a campaign to recover gedemin's assets. christians. the pavetra smelled of vyalikay vine. hedymin struck first. in 1326, he launched a bold attack on the order's ally, the county of brandenburg. the top, at the beginning with david garadzensky, came to the allied poland, the prussian lands were lost and appeared in the current scenes of berlin, in the very scenes of the fortress of brandenburg. good things came to shorah yana. teutonic guardians of the small apostle praised the cruelty and cruelty of lithuania. what should i write? the order's plans to gain a powerful right - the great principalities were crushed by the adclases. and it’s all right... david, for the kryzhakov he would be like a bone in the throat, pausul dze vayar z'yaulyaetstsa, deuttonian chakae paraza. and for two decades now, the name of david garadzensk roared throughout christian europe. yong sells his soul to d'yablu. so manahi-kryzhaks tlumachyli talent garadzenskaga vayara, apraўdvayuchy pile nezdolnast yago peramagchy. the attempt was made to reso