it owes this to one man: ksiąz jozes bulka. to the village of mosar in 1989 and saw complete desolation. over the course of several decades, thanks to the efforts of ksiąz, the area around the temple was transformed beyond recognition. alpine slides, flower beds, arboretums with a network of ponds and park sculptures appeared here, including copies of famous italian renaissance masters. after the external transformation of the place itself, jozes bulka took on the internal transformation. their parishioners. the village of mosar was declared a zone of total sobriety. and much was said and written about this incredible event for a belarusian village. jozes bulka passed away in 2010, but his life's work has not disappeared. the church of st. anne with a beautiful park in the village of mosar still remains a place of attraction for many people. everyone has their own purpose for coming to this church. some are looking for peace, some are looking for answers to questions. it's time to return to the noisy festival city, i wonder how