your organization has the prefix business, but who else but business should help, well, naturally, kssrost several charitable initiatives, and you and i have been behind the scenes for a little bit already... 3 years, i can name them in name order, or i can reveal them a little separately, these are projects such as a new step into a new life, this is a project, then disclose it, because you understand, the project itself is nothing, well, no name what he doesn’t talk about, but of course, well, there is such a not very popular topic, because it is quite complex, this is a drug crime, that’s all, the direction is clear to me, then the second project is resources. if business exists, then we must participate in the social sector not only in the form of paying taxes, but also in some way take part in charitable missions, so this is how the initiative is born, what you said about drug addiction, well this initiative, why this particular one, why this particular one the direction, in your opinion, requires the attention of your organization, your community, or is it the person himself who c