s been on chinese radio, ktsf radio 26, main stream chinese press at every one of these educational forums. we hold a monthly ethnic briefing, where we have highlighted as much as we can. we obviously want to do that. we have victim service hours in the neighborhood. we are there at cameron house in chinatown every wednesday from 9:30 to noon. when one of the d.a.s and i were there one of the victims showed up. dee was able to talk to her about what happened. we have been talking to that victim as well as other cases. >> so cameron is on sacramento and stockton street. when are those? >> every wednesday, from 9:30 to noon. then on october 27th we are actually having a chinatown resource fair to bring the community based organizations and city departments to portsmouth square so we will highlight this issue again so as much as we can get the word out to people, we will. i would be happy to answer any questions. >> thank you. are there questions? let me just ask about victim services for the district attorney's office. if somebody's lost a bunch of cash and some jewelry, how soon might they