you know how hard toee kp kids off kttiok. dolownaded 200 mliilon ngtimis.yo think it's onespiage. are weas pt theoi pnt of a ban? so eedmbdedou y can't get rid of ?it >> look, tkikto is incredibly you're rhtig with our kids, if yo huave teerenags, if youav he ki idsnun jiorh hig or high scolho, they're all using it. and the degree to which they ha ve infiledtrat our children is really stdiurngbi. lotsf o problems whit it. oblems in terms of the messaghees ty're pushing on young .kids dybo image messafoges r girls in paulrticar prosblem with eatgin disorders, pngushi o mneessage after heanotr. messages of -hselfarm, the algorithms push self-harm me ssesag on young girls. seestu disrbgin fesigur among teageners. on topf o that espionage skri. chinesove gerennmt has aesccs to lal inforonmati tiktok collects. i think it is a riseous,io serus atthre. tell you on the crcommee committee i a'velrdyea satn dow with each ofhe t republican mbers on the committee to ask them tirhe pitriories and there was cnsonseus on this side of the aislet thaoc fusing se