ktuu were the first to report about it. it's just now getting popular. and we've got the pilot joining us right this minute. so reports say you had some engine failure. what happened? >> basically what happened is i lost three quarters of the tower of my engine. when i was coming in to land, there was a really big cross wind. the wind was blowing 18 to 20 miles per hour from the side. but when i lost my power, i'm going away from the airport. i ended upturning around 180 degrees and i saw the baseball field, and i was like man, i could get it in there, but there's a bunch of chain link fence. immediately just turned towards the road, coming down, and there's a power line. going to yank it up. losing speak. now i'm right down below the power line. and it's rush hour traffic. cars are just parting like the red sea. except for this one lady, she's probably going 45 to 50, which is about as slow as i can possibly go. if i die, i'm going to hit her. if i go too slow, i'm just going to fall on top of her. still makes me kind of shake when i'm thinking about it