the architecture of kuche bazari dates back to the safavid era, but the oldest works left in tehran are from the qajar era, like this building. saqqah is the house of god bandandalo in pamnar, tehran. there are three types or three categories of saqqa houses. a group of them that you can see behind my head, this is one of the rare ones that exist in tehran, both because of its graphic design and because of the type of plan it has. windows and grids that represent the shrine, shamm and water , which is a sign of karbala, is a common visual element in all these houses. after the incident of karbala, muslims , especially shiites , built places in the crossings and passages, and people could drink that water, in addition to quenching their thirst, and this would also include an afterlife reward for them. this is where the foundations of the brothels are slowly being formed . tehran has nearly 300 brothels, which is one of the surviving examples from that era. this is the only drinking house that has not been touched, it has not been changed or moved in any way. in the past, this was a place