so why are you back in kuching after ten years? places in borneo. >> anthony: that's a good question. i'm revisiting some stuff. just some -- i was in a weird place in my head when i first came here. i was personally, professionally, everything in my life was changing. i was in this sort of nowhere land between previous life and whatever came next. i'm retracing my steps in a lot of ways to see if it still hurts. >> alex: ah, okay. >> anthony: and also i said, i promised these guys in the village, the chiefs, that i'd come back. well, i made a promise, and i'm going to live up to it. >> alex: yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> anthony: even the jungle wanted him dead. the skrang river -- what's the line? -- snakes through the sarawak jungle like a main circuit cable. plugs straight in a -- somewhere. a place. a state of mind. i don't know. i was a basket case last time i went up this river. my mind, miles away. >> alex: is this how you remember it? tony? >> anthony: yeah. >> alex: exactly the same, huh? ten years later. >> anthony: pretty much, pret