even turkic polki pechenegs, this is an imagination, not about what they complain about there, as kuchynls, but in fact, this is a culture that was absorbed into the ukrainian culture, also the cossack culture, it is to some extent steppe and even those words that are in the cossack lexicon kish i don’t know what else kurin eh ataman are turkic words and they appeared in the ukrainian language not because they were borrowed, because the cossacks are the heirs of the great culture, so are the kerems as the population of the indigenous population of the crimean peninsula, they are the heirs not only of the turkic peoples who again - they still lived on this one with the ancients territories and those peoples who lived in complete harmony, including the same greeks who founded politicians and chersonesus , although the greeks were also timon to say in this territory. the leader is a descendant of the players and the goths and the khazars and the polovtsy who lived in this territory, well, actually , the crimean language is, so to speak, the same language. the language spoken by the polovtsy