we're going to shore up the eroding hillsides of venus with kudzu, remember? right. darn it. i can't. my trainer's making me do sprints. really? well, i'm glad to see the two of you have come to an agreement. susie's helping me realize how important it is to have harmony in the family. you break another promise, i'll kill you. thank you, hilda. thank you, thank you, thank you. you'll never regret this decision. you're welcome. ( doorbell rings ) hey, ready to go to the modeling audition? another of your winter outfits? so trying hard didn't make a difference? you know, funny thing-- i went shopping at a swap meet and i picked up a bag of cool guy-clothes. why don't you go try them on? it's like taking a trip to the mall without leaving the house. okay, but it's going to make me want one of those huge cinnamon things. fashionable yet affordable. wow. i've never seen a more brochure-looking outfit. not only that, the pants don't itch. surprise. oh... nice zamboni. say hello to the domin-a-tron. straight from the other realm. it's all ours pending 48 more payments. don't tell me