here in chatham, massachusetts on the sixth day of spring, blizzard conditions, wind kugus of 60 miles hour. we're in a snowstorm, another one. wind gave way to a siberian chill. on january 7th, some 50 cities registered record lows. home heating bills soared by up to 50%. but what really stood out was how much snow there was and how far south the cold crept, as far as central florida. cities that are normally balmy were put into a deep freeze. atlanta was paralyzed by ice as a storm hit the city. tens of thousands of people were strapped like this mother of two. >> i've lived in atlanta for the past 18 years. i don't think ever we've had anything like what happened this year. >> she spent 24 hours in a traffic jam unable to reach her 10 year old. for five hours she didn't know she was safe until she got that call. >> when i got that call from the middle school i just started crying. >> the severity of the storm caught her family and atlanta unprepared. >> it just seems to be betting more, more extremes, extreme hot and extreme cold. >> all this freezing cold might be enough to make yo