kuhl toh-bah. kuhl pra toh-bah aren so l'tee. y'lyn parum ta see etta'j. he's says they'd be happy to help. phlox: as fascinating as the two species are from a biological standpoint it's their ability to coexist that intrigues me the most. the valakians are highly evolv technologically advanced while the menk are relatively primitive by comparison. to my surprise, the two seem to be living side-by-side, peacefully. pra du matta. koh u'tah? he wants to know what you're doing. have you learned enough menk to explain a molecular bio scan? doctor... um... e'satta prah ku... ku valakii. what'd you say? i told him the doctor was looking inside of him. thank you. tik-tik. nan dah. you're welcome. neek. ra'sata... food. did he just say food? ra'sata. food. have you been teaching him english? no, he must have picked it up by listening to us. hmm, perhaps we found an assistant comm officer. tik-tik. hmm, i haven't seen any crops or livestock. i wonder where they get this. larr, ku ra'sata gol dach? pah ku mano. n'da tom-ah. he says the soil here isn't good for plant