ismail puraji of kulalanpur broadcasting news agency and now we see the end of the part of the world. good night, god bless you. a condition worsened by irregular access to health care has affected steven's ability to work. one of the most wrong ideas is that we it is limited to 30 days with an option to request an extension. there are rules about keeping the parking lots clean and after three warnings a fine of $25 will be issued. if unsanitary conditions continue, city officials can collect the cars 72 hours after the notice. but in the meantime, some city managers are criticizing the homeless for putting too much pressure on them. some others also feel. it is very difficult, we have no way to help them, there is no house, even if there is a house, there is no financial aid to help them to rent their house , there is no temporary and transitional housing. hrdc overnight shelter use has nearly doubled since 2019. part of this need is the opening of a 24-hour shelter. they will decrease but this is not possible until next year. grenier believes that this newer and more visible form of