my colleague kunin anneal spoke with 3 sociologists about the likely changes to everyday habits after the pandemic if it was somehow universally adopted out how big a difference would it make you know a sense what what what was being promoted in the name of health is actually the erosion of human contact and human solidarity and it seems to me that if you begin to medicalize human relationships and contacts into is being suggested it simply makes the divisions and the tension that already exists so much more difficult to bear i think that's something we should very strongly oppose and that is that a lot of people are talking about now and i watch television and i see people very close to each other there are strangers talking to each other or people shaking hands and they get their disgusted i feel like that's quite unsettling this is a class pandemic that is several billions of poor people around the world crowded in quarters of the world's megacities they're forced to do jobs that involve physical contact and close proximity to others they have no other choice social isolation is a