telling people do not go in above your knees or above your waist, in the water, and the danger of riff kuntzents, highest at low tide. that's when you have the greatest danger of being involved in a rip current. so, during the storm, and after the storm, that's when you have danger. so even after it passes, rip currents going to be a problem. so, i think we might be going to the movies today, guys! >> not bad idea, sue. indoor activities, that's all right. i know you got a lot of beach time in the first part of the week, hopefully out there before the weekend is over. good advice though by sue serio about the rip currents. it is what you can't see sometimes, and that will be the case at the jersey shore saturday, sunday, plenty of sunshine, beautiful out, dangerously rough surf so again there is arthur, spinning its wheels, just eels of the south carolina coastline, bringing rain into myrtle beach. then eventually, we will track across eastern north carolina bringing hurricane conditions to a loft vacation spots there. we've got some storms to contends with right now moved through bucks coun