. >> senator kunz, thank you very much.enator johanns, please proceed. >> let me ask you a question. but let me also if i might lay some groundwork for this question, so you know where i'm coming from. i think all of us agree that the cftc must have smart forward-leaning regulation. the market changes so dramatically. and yet we still have to be sensitive to the potential to overregulate. we don't want to regulate everything that moves. so trying to be -- to strike that balance, i think is key. one example of regulatory overreach that i've been working on since dodd/frank passed, is marginal requirements on end users, when trading derivatives. i can state unequivocally, congress never intended for non-financial end users to be subject to margin -- costly margin requirements, and yet here we are almost five years later still battling with this. so i've introduced legislation that exempts end users from margin requirements. this is not a republican versus democrat issue. the measure's gained strong bipartisan support. a compa