kurds, they have always been known as warriors and trained peshmerga, the fighting force in kurd kurdishstan, they are not called that in syria. they are good fighters, have been at all it long time. this group has been fighting the turkish government for status for a long time. their militarily trained and ready and they are great fighters and we appreciate the >> the presidency in turkey and >> yeah. it is sad, when he came into office, he reached out an olive branch to them and there was a peace deal and things quieted and everybody was encouraged, but then there were some -- one or two incidents, we saw this in paris, one or two vileept incidents can set off chain of events that unravel anything good that happened. that is where they are now, there is reason to fear mitital kurds, they are terrorist group by virtue of how they have acted pretty brutal. >> last quick answer, 30 seconds, israel now concerned about israeli/palestinians going to fight with isis, if you go, you are not coming back. >>you know, you can't occupy people and expect them to behave and that is really the situation,