the kurds, virtually no support in kurdistan. so we are talking about a problem that existed in about 20 percent of the population. and of course, the problem solve itself when the fundamentalist element, who the local power structure, the baathists were very happy to have him come as long as they were killing americans, joining caring americans, that was great because long as they were joining -- as long as they are killing shiites, hey, that was fun, big massacre of shiite civilians. but then they begin to shake down the shakes for money that they begin to demand their daughters into forced marriages. and they began to kill. the local tribal shakes that at that point the guy said well, we've had enough and they asked the americans for money that they didn't need to ask for weapons. and in a very short period of time they're able to defeat them. and that i think is the situation in iraq. i don't know whether after u.s. withdrawal would dissolve into violence. actually, i think there's a certain innate stability to what has hap