biosecurity incidents after they have kurdoccurred. for example, they said that the dougway accident is the first that they have tracked at the senior department level. since 2012 dod has been revising procedures and expects to finalize changes by this fall. but these changes will only cover a subset of dod's high containment laboratories. our ongoing work will also examine if dod is implementing steps to improve the culture of state of at its laboratories so that future events are reduced or prevented. similarly, cdc began taking steps to address weaknesses identified in assessments of the june 2014 anthrax incident and other safety incidents in its own laboratories. but the agency has not yet completed implementing recommendations intended to improve its laboratory oversight. for example, an internal work group recommended that cdc develop agency-wide policies to provide clear and consistent requirements for biosafety for all agency laboratories. in response, cdc developed a specimen transport policy but has not developed other agenc