kurt anderson is back with us. and just in time to talk about pot legalization.s a political device, does this bring progressives out in an off year. >> it has happened fast. not quite as fast and consequentially i would argue as marriage equality happened, but it's similar. it's a matter of personal will i beer if i and who cares. yeah, go ahead. we have now more than 40 years experience in lots of people smoking marijuana and, yes, there are instances where it does bad things to people and maybe there is neuroscience that says it's bad for a 16-year-old brain, but sending people to jail for this seems ridiculous to most people. and that is brking fatah comly. i think it will keep going. and of course medical marijuana which after all was a campbell's nose under the tent to soften the ground for this. now the ground has been softened, so this will happen. will it get progressives out? beyond progress suffers, or people on the left, i think it appeals to independents. >> yeah. and you could argue libertarians are also in favor of this. >> rand paul. you know, all