kurt d. engelhardt of louisiana, the president's choice to serve on the fifth circuit court of appeals. the senate previously confirmed kurt d. engelhardt by a voice vote to the eastern district of louisiana. since then he has strengthened his thoughtfulness. his legal peers describe him as, quote, very conscious and fair and independent minded. the american bar association agrees. it awarded judge engelhardt its highest rating of unanimously well qualified. i would urge every one of my colleagues to join me in advancing judge engelhardt's nomination later this afternoon. on one final matter, in storefront windows across america, new signs are going up, signs that new communities haven't seen literally in years. here's what the sanes say, now hiring. 16 months into this trump administration, and the percentage of american workers who are unemployed, underemployed, or giving up finding a job is smaller than it ever was in any of the obama years. in fact, it hasn't been this low since 2001. let me say that again, less under employment, unemployment, and discouragement than in the past 8 ye