methods for their study has been considered relatively recently since the end of the 19th century , kurt levins considered to be the father of modern psychology. he owns the authorship of the so -called field theory, he took from physics the psychological field he called the hodological space and believed that it includes all our past , present and future, which forms i man, but the most active problem within the personal conflict was studied by sigmund freud . according to his concept, all psychological ailments of a person are associated with an internal confrontation of what he wants himself with what society dictates to him. further, freud's ideas were continued in the works of jung and horney, and now the intrapersonal conflict is explained by scientists as a serious difficult, resolvable feeling inside the personality, the solution of such problems is exactly what modern psychologists and psychotherapists are doing. people survivors of mental anguish, they say it would be better if my arm or leg hurt? but when the soul hurts, you don’t know at all what to do with this problem, let’s try