uh, you know, this isn't that intelligence driven war is kurt mcmahon has pointed out. um, you know, intelligence gave 85 targets. but what, what was the purpose of the targets where you test with providing targets that would degrade the mobile relocatable of, you know, targeting or targets the missiles model, missiles of the hoody or were you tacitly providing 85 points on the ground that could be struck and achieve a political objective of appeasing in american audience that was outraged by the you know, 3 dead soldiers. we just don't know. let's look at syria for a 2nd. why are we there? ostensibly were there because i sis originated from serious spreading out through western i react to motor 0 in 2014, down to decrypt. we intervened in iraq with the permission of the iraqi government to form an anti cyst coalition. among of which i need to point out was a ron and the goods for us. there's an iconic photograph taken outside of decrypt, showing american soldiers on one side of the road and custom sumani and the codes leadership on the other side of the road. because w