interdepartmental group that we created to develop the strategy includes respected colleagues, yatskin, kutepovrstand correctly what exactly this working group means today will, let’s say, look at all the regulations and the main strategic documents that are needed in terms of personnel for medicine, this issue is very important, we are discussing it, but a lot has been done, i just want to be fair to say that in our healthcare education system we are constantly working on how to improve the efficiency of work, we the methodology is established for educational organizations, the target numbers for university admission and budget places, accordingly, the forecasted need for personnel is coordinated, firstly, with higher education. currently federal state educational standards higher education, medical, pedagogical profiles require mandatory internship, but the target enrollment is immediately from three to 5 years, i absolutely agree, here we have targeted training anyway, you can’t escape, so to speak, from targeted training, because you just obliged to work, which means we have it in the twent