novobaidaevskaya , you are from baidaevka, my husband was born in baida, this is the kemerovo region, kuzbasa, he has baidaevka in his pasta, i have a new one baydaevka, it’s nearby, it’s a little closer, closer to the city, this wonderful guy comes here and sells meat products here, and i came here because i saw liverwurst here, they stopped selling it in stores, and this product is absolutely unique, tell us what your name is, why, zhen, why are you doing liver sausage, it is healthy, there is a lot of vitamin a, but in general we make everything, but we still have liver sausage, the liver is the same, what to do with it, liver sausage is the best option, liver sausage is made from liver and others internal organ, this so-called liver or soup products, their two liver sausages, in fact, there was ours, which was soviet, and we called cat’s joy, well, there are soup products, that’s all, but there is liver, liver, egg, this is liver , egg, excellent, in general , in short, and if we take liver... and if we take all these so-called by-products, internal organs, then in terms of useful substa