we don't take kwame ture seriously as a political thinker. even when we want to talk about the movement, mainstream articulation of black power, what we do is reduce black power to emotionalism. how do we explain the call for black power? stokely carmichael, they were angry and upset. after the defeat in atlantic city, everyone was upset. so, they were just lingering around and finally, that anger boiled over into black power. there is no thinking there. it is emotionalism. that is symptomatically larger problem. we don't take black people seriously as political thinkers. we are not taking southern activists, grassroot activists seriously as political thinkers. that they were capable of serving the land, making sense , making sensees of the nature of the oppression they were facing and trying to figure out with aid and and weight as possible solutions and chart a path forward. weigh those possible solutions. the danger of not doing that, the danger of looking at stokely carmichael not as a seriously political thinker but as someone driven by