and stokely carmichael kwame ture. he was born june 29, 1941 in trinidad, comes to the united states two weeks before his eleventh birthday in 1952, he moved to the mars park section of the bronx, he is -- his family is one of the only black families in that neighborhood. he is a precocious, very intelligent child, always identifying with underdogs, has a wide a ray of friends, interracial friends, accused a as charismatic, becomes one of the only black students to kiss -- to test into to the bronx high school of science which is one of the best public high schools in new york city and he becomes one of the most popular if not the most popular students at bronx and what is extraordinary that stokely carmichael attends bronx science 1956-1960 and it is during some of the key years of the heroic period of the civil rights movement between 1954-1965 and in high school he becomes an organizer. in high school he is going to be mentored by the key social democratic political activist, openly gay, one of the most brilliant mi