kwan and commissioners and staff. i'd like to reiterate that we appreciated our meeting with you last week. president kwan and steve richy. i handed you information on the value of an acre foot of water in agricultural economies. there was a study done in 2016 titled "food system multiplier for specialty food" and this is commissioned by the sack row men toe area council government and it represents six-county area. and, they said that while agriculture contributes significant value to the regional economy, specialty crops generated $2700 per acre annually and more than three times the value per acre than non specialty crops. so we'll use that high figure of 2700 per acre and it takes about three and a half feet per acre to grow produce. the value would be the value generated from that acre foot would be $771. and then they get into the multiplier effect. that it's not just about the food produced but there's processing, there's transportation and the actual production accounts for about 29% of the value. there's another figure there to support. 11%. that might be part of that original value. to be conservative we'll use 29%. so that would suggest that the over all value of an acre foot is $2,659. so, what would happen if the bay delta plan s. e.d. were put into effect from february through june, well, the last 100 years precipitation repeated, there wouldn't be a problem. what would happen if the design drought kicked in and we got into to a seventh or eighth year of drought. i think it would be pretty easy to buy water from an irrigation district because $2700 in acre foot, which is slightly more than what you charge your customers, which i think it's about 2200 right now. we can basically pay all the farmers exactly what they would earn if they were growing food, but they don't have to do any work. we can pay all the processers without doing work and the distributors without doing work. farmers in that drought situation, they're probably going to be limited to one and a half to two feet per acre. you can't grow a lot of crops with that. if there's a voluntary program, and they could chose to sell their water at a very high price and make the same amount of money if they were growing crops you would get there. they say they don't want to sell water and they're posturing, everyone has a price, and with the ini remember ties there are other irrigation districts. i think we're in good shape. thank you. >> thank you. >> is this any other general public comments? >> item 5, communications. anything on communication? any public comments? forgive me. so, we have dave warner again. for item number 5. 5 did. 5d. thank you for letting me speak regarding the environmental steward ship report. this seems like a marketing document as opposed to a useful tool to help commissioner assess the impact of its environmental activities. as you know, it's environmental damage but there's no sense of that. how are you the commissioners able to know the extent of the environmental damage, how it's changing and what impact the actions are having to remediate that damage. to be a good environmental steward, don't you need to know this. please consider directing the sfuc staff to revisit its environmental stewardship for the metrics that give you the commissioners a realistic reporting of a, the current state of the environmental damage as measured by wild life populations. b, how the environmental damage is changing overtime. and c, the impact of mediation actions on wild life populations. by having these measures, you will have a better understanding of the environmental impact of the sfpuc operations and better ability to assess whether or not further action is needed. thank you. >> thank you. >> peter. >> hello again. so in the report on the environmental stewardship policy they say it's the policy to operate the regional water system in a manner that protects and restores fish within reservoirs and watershed lands. specifically, consistent with the sfuc's mission relesions from sfuc reservoirs will mimic the variation of the seasonal high drol gee, for example, magnitude, timing duration and frequency of their water sheds in order to sustain the aquatic and ecosystems wish they depend. so, the policy is a percentage of unimpaired flow. which is exactly what the bay delta water quality control plant calls for. somehow this policy applies to the upper wallamy and we think it s the a few years ago, the sfuc was very generous to help with the funding of dose rios, which is 1600 acres of the confluence of the twalme and the san jaoquin. it was amazing to see the native plants at 10 feet tall. they were planted in 2013. the area is thriving. it's converted to wild life habitat quickly. to look the other way and see the san jaoquin river swollen and inundating the flood plains of dose rios. it felt like being on the bay. it was amazing. that's how that river used to be every year. and it's very, very rare now. basically, only the minimal amount of water is released from don pedro. as recently as 1944, we had 130,000 salmon spawning in the river. last year it was 2800. we had a stretch of the numbers being in the hundreds for five years in a row earlier this century. twalame needs more water and we kneel that this policy should encourage san francisco to follow the values of san francisco 77% and and it's not any san francisco and like the policy extended into the lower twalemey. >> next we have mr. tim ikeenburg. >> good afternoon. my name is tim ikeenburg and i'd like to echo the remarks peter made and point out the environmental stewardship policy report that you have before you doesn't address the bay delta water control plant at all. i wanted to remind you the board of supervisors have stated a resolution in 2014 which recognizes that protection and restoration of a healthy, sustainable ecosystem includes adequate water quality, outflow and water supply to support fisheries, wild life habitat and perpetuity. it also states and recognizes that the bay delta ecosystem has been in a state of chronic drought, due to current water management policies. it also wires that adequate tell da out flows to san francisco bay be ensured to support fishery, drinking water quality and other uses and finally it also requires that it be applied as part of any solution or conclusion reached in critical planning and regulatory processes. therefore, i think that you should address this policy in the bay delta water control plan and support the state water quality plan, goal of ensuring that at least 40% of main stream flows in the rivers are maintained to restore and protect the bay's resources and communities. thank you. >> thank you. any other general public comments? next item, please. >> item 6 is other commission business. >> anything? commissioners. any public comment on item 6? next item. >> item 6 is a revenue bond oversight committee annual report and audit findings. >> good afternoon commissioners charles pearl deputy chief financial officer. i wanted to describe this item for you. the revenue oversight committee is an oversight body that meets monthly here at the puc and reviews how the sfuc responds its bond proceeds. this report is their annual report so it's their once a year visit before you to talk to you a little bit about their activities over the past year. the current chair of that committee is robert leashner who is here and will speak to you in a moment. he was appointed in november of 2016 and has just been appointed over the past few months as chair of that body. mr. leashner leads the merchant division of point mates which is a technology and logistics company. he holds a b.a. in economics from the university of pennsylvania and is a chartered financial analyst. >> first i'd like to thank the members of puc and commissioners and the hard work that goes as changeless mentioned they presented work and to city government and this report this year is attached and a pen dex and i'm going to go through some of the highlights through the past year. the revenue bond oversight committee itself facilitates transparency and accountability and it's revenue pond by making sure that all proceeds are spent in accordance with the authorizing bond resolution and applicable laws. in general, our abilities and jurisdiction of using new projects under construction and going through revenue bond proceed expenditures. and before going into highlights, i would like to mention members of the p.u.c. who have been instrumental to our work. this is a incomplete list and there are others i would like to thank. charles pearl, dan weighed, karen cue bick, richard morales have been instrumental to our work. a few of the highlights from this past year, have it his first we initiated annual bond expenditure ser tive a indication process in the annual report for the first time. we've reviewed the progress of the water system improvement project and the sewer system improvement project with a particular focus on the accuracy of budgeting and scheduling forecasts. with continued tension to ensuring that the lessons learned from the wissop, which was a audit we connected two years ago is applied to the ssip. and we completed two on-site visits of projects. the first was the dam replacement project and including the alameda creek recapture and the plant. in addition we've held monthly meetings and hearings with p.u.c. staff. we have gone through the financials of different projects. the attached and i want to read it. there's a lot of wonderful material there and over 2018 and going forward, we'll continue to provide as much transparency around the p.u.c.'s good work that we can. thank you, everyone involved. >> thank you. >> public comment on item 7? next item. >> clerk: did you want to speak on this item? did you want to speak on this item? item 8 is report of the general manager. >> good afternoon, commissioners. first item suppose date for clean power s.f. >> good morning commissioners, barbra hail. i'll report on the success of our program. we're continuing to serve over 80,000 accounts, still seeing a very low opt out rate and seeing customers continue to upgrade to our super green 100 100% renewae service. we've also been very active in preparing forren rolling additional customers as we've discussed. the general manager is working with us to execute supply contracts and we'll continue that activity. i think at the next meeting, we'll be able to present to you more details on the portfolio of supply that will be relying on to serve about 100 megawatts of additional customers starting july 1st. one of the key steps in being able to sign those contracts and make those commitments to our counter parties is the ability to have that credit facility that we've been working on. we expect that to close early next week and we'll finalize the rest of the portfolio and present that to you at next week's -- next commission meeting in two weeks. we are also are continuing to work with the city attorney's office developing our testimony at the california public utilities commission together with cal c.c.a. on the exit fee reforms. i'm happy to say we're coming together with the community choice agrigays community to have a strong voice at the california p.c. on that critical issue. we're also preparing a simplified bill comparison calculator that will appear on our website to help customers during this enrollment period. understand for themselves, driven their direct experience with their electric consumption, what the bill impacted will be of our service. scorservice.we expect customere lower bills as theyen roll in our programs. so that is an annual process and we're engage in that now. that rate mailer puts side by side our rates with pg and e content so we're completing that work as well and that will be helpful as wen roll additional customers. finafinally, we worked with staf under c.f.o. sandler to demonstrate to the controllers' office that he should receive controller certification and we were successful at that to support our additional supply. and with that i'm happy to take questions you may have. >> hi, thank you for the update. i just have a question. i know i had asked it a couple meetings ago about the build out timeline? and just wondering when we can anticipate that. >> when we get through our contracting effort here, we'll be able to spend some more time on that with you. when we bring forward the portfolio supply, you will see that we are increasing the amount of renewables that are constructed in california through our commitments. and we'll be able to demonstrate our ability to bring in more revenue that will support some more local programming. so i don't expect this to be able to complete that work for you until the fall. in terms of the local -- within san franciscsan francisco impac. >> maybe an understanding of the steps it will take to get to that will be great. i imagine a slight assessments will be done and what the sources will be and how much will be in california versus in city versus regionally. >> so what i'm thinking of, when you talk about local build commissioner, is all within san francisco. # we havrev the preference in or contracting where we've identified local in the nine barrier countries. you will see we are making commitments for that version of local until our contracting bui. i thought you were asking about the granular build within the city of san francisco's footprint. in that context it will be more of the kind of programming efforts that we'll insentavise, construction of renewable and energy see efficiency adoption by our customers here within san francisco. >> that's the end game but what are the steps to get there and the variations on that would be helpful? all the things we talked about it. >> sort of wrapping up back to what our growth plan identified as the potential. and we need to take it the next step for how we're going to perform the implementation. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> anything else? >> thank you. >> thank you. any public comments on this first item. next item please. >> clerk: next item is sewer system improvement program. karen cubic. >> good afternoon, president kwan, commissioners i'm karen cubic the direct offer wastewater capitol. last meeting, i gave you the wastewater quarterly update. today we just have the brief sources and improvement program update. if you can bring the slides up please, thank you. this is a snapshot of our phase 1 projects. our 70 projects that are on going representing the $2.9 billion we've expended $508 million and our 22% complete. you will start to notice the construction phase which is shown in green will be expanding this year, 2018, because our largest projects will all be in construction. head works and bio solids and bio solids is the largest part of this pie. back to buy owe solids again, we hit a number of milestones. we received our construction management c.n. proposals for bio solids on march 7th. on march 8th the planning commission certified the project environmental review. we were back here at the last meeting and surounded by supportive folks from bay view hunters point and we gotta approval for that