of course, this doctor was the one member that kwcooperating. he has been arrested by the pakistani government and is facing a treason charge, his office has been fired and he is being called a national criminal. are you able to certify that pakistan is cooperating with us as long as dr. friddy, the man who helped us get osama bin laden is being charged with tr eve eason. >> i agree that there's no reason for him to be held of course and his work on behalf of the effort to take down bin laden was in pakistan's interest as well as the united states'. we have made that view well known, and we will continue to press it and it will be continued to that i account as we move forward. >> let me put everyone on notice here, i believe we will with be watching this closely. there is nothing that could suggest that pakistan is cooperating with us in the fight against terrorism when they have the man who helped us get bin laden being held in prison. that is their decision. there are 3,000 irani exiles tht are in iraq, these members who are members of the me