have a teen program this summer that's excite k and something that's unique about our program is that kwidz live where that camp is so they get to come back year round for community celebrations and group programs. they can bring their school to the camp to the farm if they would like for a field trip. so their experience at camp extends and helps them have a place based experience. >> i know each website has different things about costs and the different ways in which somebody enters the experience. talk about the different options. >> we give away half a million dollars every year in camper ship which are scholarships for camp. that's need based. we ask families to provide us with house-hold income and other information to figure out how much aid we can award. there's need blind options such as one happy camper and pj goes to camp and other programs like that. as well, some synagogues have partnerships where they will help families. so we list all those options as well as making monthly payment plans on our website. >> wonderful. something to keep in mind about urban we don't have as many