on friday, their forces moved into rebel territory south of the kwieded city of aleppo. area being targeted is close to a main road that would link aleppo to government-controlled areas further south. the latest offensive comes as russia's campaign enters its third week. they no longer threaten the government in its strong hold, but vladimir putin has said a political solution is his goal. rebel groups as well as the main political opposition in exile, the syrian national coalition are refusing to be engaged in any peace process, instead they are calling on their supporters to help them counter what they call russian aggression. >> putin wants to -- the peaceful process to start, but so far there is refusal from the -- the syrian rebel side to take part in any peace talks. russia, i think will accelerate the fire support. >> reporter: the counter offensive is about eliminating threats to the government and defeating what is called the moderate opposition. russian then hopes it can persuade the west of the need to work with president bashar al-assad to bring about a polit