the kwish, our wish is that they pass our resolution and that would keep the government open. >> it's in their court and has been in their court. >> thank you. >> is there objection? hearing no objection, without objection, so ordered. >> madam president? >> the senator from new jersey. >> madam president -- >> what that means what harry reid has said is that the senate will adjourn until 9:30 tomorrow morning. there are a number of senators who are still at the senate. he's asked that they be recognized for five minutes. patty murray. now in terms of what's going on in the house, you heard some reference to it between schumer and reid when they were discussing it. the advice that we have from the house is that sometime between 12:30 and 12:45 am, house republicans will schedule some sort of next vote. on what they consider to still be live. they had, before we just heard what we just heard from harry reid, the house plan had been that the house would then vote for a send time on whatever the senate sent back to them sometime between 2:00, and 2:15 this morning. that said, the senate