to kyle harris he lost his younger brother in a fiery crash earlier this year, he was on i 57 when a cause in his car to explode, jimmy tragically died. he had a blood alcohol level of 0.16 when he was driving two hours after the crash. in an instant, jamille . executive fide and music producer by night left behind a wife and three children. >> every day i look at bat signed. they posted the numbers after noticing a 17% increase in traffic fatalities. a large number of them involve motorcycles. the uptick is part of a national trend that is partly over the unusual weather that has led to win increase in the number of drivers on the road. they use digital message boards in a sort of shock and odd campaign. we want to grab people's attention in show them when they are driving out there on the roads they are in essence operating a lethal weapon. it's easy to forget how much damage a car can do. >> she lost her elderly parents to a drunk driver five years ago. they were crossing the street heading to a prayer service when and as he became speeding out of nowhere hit them and kept going f