-kyle maynard" (liz) thinking of all the things kyle maynard has gone through...isadvantage he was put at from the very beginning-- i almost feel guilty for not having done more. (kyle) have a safe trip. i'm jealous. have fun, guys. (whole team) thanks! (liz) what's my excuse for not doing that? and you really don't have one. we're going to get autumn to exercise! if aaron bought me the biggest cinnabon at the cinnabon place in the mall, i said i would do turbo jawith him today for the full time. this is the outside, this is the inside... i ate the thing. (woman in video) a big smile and now you have it. you guys ready to party? (woman in video) now start off small, we just need you warmed up. (autumn) what are we doing? (woman in video) pump, pump, pump, and jab! (autumn) [laughing] i can't watch this! (woman in video) do a tight crunch from side to side. (aaron) this is liz's navigating move. (liz) yeah! (liz) great job guys! (liz) it's nice being away from the pressures of home, because home is a very nice thing, but there's going to be pressure coming from all