kyle mosley, whidby elementary: we are a nation of opportunity. madyson roland, wainwright elementary: my brothers and sisters, i challenge you to keep the dream alive and uplift one another. jessie dozier, gregg elementary: we have made progress in the 21st century, but we have not overcome. brandalyn thompson, pleasantville elementary: there is more that must be done. white and black lives must matter. hispanic lives must matter. native and asian lives must matter. all lives must matter! richard espinoza-garza, cornelius elementary: i am convinced that men hate each other because they fear each other, they fear each other because they don't know each other, they don't know each other because they don't communicate, and they don't communicate because they are separated. today's youth asking if king's message can build more bridges. malak albarguthi, sutton elementary: i am muslim. if dr how would he treat my family? just because our religious beliefs aren't the same, does not mean we can't embrace these differences. richard espinoza-garza: he mea