kyle muhlin. he learned that others were using steroids and drugs. and i did n't like it. he said he might have to take them too during hell week. kyle passed the test, but after almost a week he was bleeding from his mouth, he was choking, and he was never sent to the hospital. he died in the unit, the lawyer suspects that the military just didn't want the drug scandals to become known, so they kept the guy in the medical unit , you can argue about this training, which some call torture, but the most important thing is that he was not provided necessary medical care. that's the thing, and that needs to change right now. conducted after the death of kyle established that about 40 of his co-workers took various drugs to get through the toughest ordeals of the week, a hell that has long been criticized in america for excessive cruelty, 11 recruits have died since this seal training earned in the us navy scandal, so far no does not comment, but one of the unit's veterans in an interview. new york times. he said that no one is able to do everything that the instructor requires