. >> i have actually talked about kyle peterson to have a discussion. i agree. the need is out there. one of the things, with the crn structure. there has to be and agency that are going to have to step in. that was one the barriors. it wasn't mentioned before. with all of the other different crn's. there is an existing relationship that has transsended generations. i think the tl hasn't been a specific culture or ethnicity. i don't think the community ties are as long. but the conversation had sparked up and by all means, i am on board to see what can be a development. additionally, that's what i wanted to say. >> john. can you commit to that? this is a very good of example of where we can stop the infection. right? we know it's there. so let's stop it before it becomes a disease. can you commit, you have worked with people. this is something that has been raised. >> i am committed to continuing the conversations >> you had another question. >> we would love to hear commitment from other folks. just to put it out there. we are talks about immigrants. a lot of p