kyle redick and brandon litman are the director and executive producer of "one day on earth" a documentaryts the lives of millions of people in every country on the planet on one october day two years ago. it debuts today, of course, in m honor of oeearth day. another art form, music, was the inspiration. what specifically about music made you decide to produce a documentary? >> music is this universal language, and musicians from all over the world can sit down in a room and make music together in a matter of minutes. and i believe that cinema is a universal language that can be understood across borders and languages as well. music has this immediacy and i wanted cinema to have this immediacy so i had this idea what if we had as many people across the world film during one day and make a film out of it. >> and was there any significance? it is such a cool idea and it's a great concept. it's really enjoyable to watch some of the footage. it's incredible how much footage there is. was there any significance on the date on which "one day on earth" was shot which was october 10th, 2010. 10/1