remember after i heard a lot of progressives and people center of left going on and on after the kyle rittenhouse verdict, you know, how did this happen. i said, well, jury instructions that the state legislature made. and why is there jury jury -- gerrymandering, here, how did this woman who had serious problems that was being treated for serious problems, how could this woman buy seven, eight guns. there is a cause and effect. tennessee has one of the most lenient gun culture in america, and i have friends that have left the state of tennessee because of permitless carry, because people can walk around. it's open carry. people can walk around with long guns. you walk into a grocery store, you know, you walk into a restaurant. wherever you go, you're going voting, people can walk around with long guns in tennessee. cause/effect, they're arming themselves to the t, the legislature is, the governor is signing bills. they can't be shocked this is happening. the data, more guns equals more deaths from guns. check the data. >> and even the issue of permitless carry which is not just in tennessee, but