included as part of the official file on a more procedural note, our former commissioner affairs, kyle wiener, has unfortunately moved to another city department. we're sad to see him leave, but excited for his new opportunities while we begin a process to find a replacement, there will be temporary clerks who staff the commission meetings, starting with me. all of us will be doing our best to ensure these meetings continue to run smoothly. and we do have one change for this evening for the presenters. you will be presenting from the laptop, and you will be controlling your own slides instead of it being through webex, thank you for your patience on that matter. i will now call the roll, president juan is excused. vice president sullivan here. commissioner ann here. commissioner bermejo here. commissioner hunter here. commissioner tompkins here. commissioner. un here. vice president. sullivan, we have a quorum. thank you. charles and, as we've been doing for the last few meetings, we're going to be handling several of the introductory items as a consent calendar, the first item in the consent